Elena Batoukova-Kerl

Elena Batoukova-Kerl


– General Management – 

The dramatic soprano Elena Batoukova-Kerl has a large, warm voice with a strong high register, powerful depth and an impressive stage presence.
She has sung at various major international opera houses such as the Vienna State Opera, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Hamburg State Opera, the Opéra National de Paris Bastille, the Salzburg Festival, the Bayreuth Festival, the Ludwigsburg Festival, the May Festival Wiesbaden, the Aarhus Opera Festival in Denmark and the Smetana Opera Festival in Prague.
In addition to the major roles in her repertoire such as Sieglinde – Walküre/Wagner, Venus – Tannhäuser/Wagner, Santuzza – Cavalleria Rusticana/Mascagni, she has recently successfully expanded her repertoire with roles such as Brünnhilde, Turandot and Elektra.
Born in Russia, she studied at the Gnessin Academy of Music and at the Moscow Conservatory with Prof. Shumilova. She is also the founder and director of the international vocal „StrongVoiceAcademy“ SVA.